Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Jun 18, 2024
75° F Dallas, TX

Long-Lost Pics of the Cowboys’ 2004 ‘Project X’

In a counterfactual world, Jerry Jones would have built his shrine on the Trinity River.
Halff Associates did the computer renderings.

Bethany put up a post today about the mysterious “Project X” currently up for consideration by the Dallas City Council. Are the Chiefs returning to Dallas? Probably not. But also maybe definitely.

She referred to a mostly unrelated 2004 DVD that we have in our possession that is also titled “Project X.” It arrived in our office many years ago in an envelope sent by an anonymous tipster. The DVD was produced by Halff Associates for the Cowboys so that Jerry Jones could show the city of Dallas his fever dream of a stadium near downtown, on the banks of the Trinity River. Obviously this was before the city of Arlington coughed up the cash to lure the team west.

Do you know how difficult it is to get images off a DVD? I found a portable player in the office. Apparently my laptop’s USB adaptor doesn’t pump enough juice to drive the thing. But! We’ve got an old iMac with a built-in DVD drive that I was able to fire up.

The DVD contains a single two-minute CGI flyover video of the imagined stadium. Its roof appears retractable and extends over a pedestrian plaza. Canals weave through the entire project. It could have been pretty cool. Just for fun, here are two more images that have never before been shared publicly:




Tim Rogers

Tim Rogers

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Tim is the editor of D Magazine, where he has worked since 2001. He won a National Magazine Award in…